Surf ATL Joined The Surf Shorts Podcast!

Surf ATL
May 17, 2023


We were stoked to join Matt Perkins (@surfshortspodcast) on his podcast to talk more about the community we are building here in the greater Atlanta area, updates on the surf park project and even our founder Spencer Broome’s own experiences and path in surfing.

Head here to check it out and give it a listen or look it up on any of the major podcast platforms (Apple, Spotify, Stitcher)!

Matt is an East Coaster, lives in North Carolina, and is good friends with members of our community so our message and vision truly connected with him and we are excited to continue to share more about our unique experience here!

Look out for more podcast appearances and updates on the surf park soon as we move through our due diligence period!



Surf ATL

Connect, grow, and foster the joy of riding waves. In Atlanta.